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Pietra Gray marble stone+use+price 2204

Pietra Gray marble stone+use+price 2204

 Pietra Gray marble stone is one of the most stylish and luxurious Iranian marble stones, this beautiful stone has a black and gray color theme with fine white veins that are spread irregularly on the surface of the stone. Irregular white has multiplied the beauty and effect of this stone, which can attract the eyes of any viewer.

 Pietra Gray marble stone is one of the metamorphic stones that is mined and processed in Iran, marble stone is composed of calcium carbonate, calcite, dolomite and crystal.

Image Pietra Gray marble
Pietra Gray marble stone


This marble stone has been able to find a special place in the world due to its great resemblance to the Pietra Gray Marble of Italy and has gained worldwide fame. For this reason, Pietra Gray marble stone is one of the good options for It is export.

Most of the marble stones become pale and discolored in front of the sunlight, but the Pietra Gray marble stone, unlike the stones of its family, has a high resistance to the sunlight and does not become pale and discolored. Because this stone can also be used on the exterior of the building.

 Image Pietra Gray marble stone
Pietra Gray marble stone


Other black stones include Dehbid Spider marble, Najaf Abad black marble, Tiho marble, Golden Black marble, Three Day Black marble.

Pietra Gray marble stone mine is located 80 kilometers south of Isfahan on Shahreza road in Lashter region.

Pietra Gray marble stone is processed in different ways after mining.

Pietra Gray marble stone processing methods ;

  • Pietra Gray marble stone polished and honed

In the polished and honed method, the surface of the stone is polished to reduce the roughness of the surface, and it is given a special polished and matte property.


  • Pietra Gray marble Stone Bush Hammer Leather

Bushhammer processing prevents the stone from slipping and sliding, and at the same time, being leathery, gives this stone a modern and stylish appearance.

  • Pietra Gray marble stone Bush hammer or sandblast

Pietra Gray sandblast stone is processed both manually and by machine. In the manual method, sand or silica is used, in such a way that sand and silica are sprayed on the surface of the stone with the use of high pressure wind pumps, creating a texture and The surface of the stone becomes semi-opaque, the throwing of sand and silica at a high speed on the surface of the stone causes the creation of a porous texture or the roughness of the surface of the stone. The purpose of sandblasting is to increase friction and eliminate the slippery surface of floor stones.

In the mechanical method, iron pellets and sandblasting bits are used. Sandblasting cleans and smooths the surface of the stone, removes deposits on the surface of the stone, and increases the life of the stone.


  • Pietra Gray marble stone hammered

The way of processing Pietra Gray  marble stone is in a way that it is done with two axes or one ax to make it resistant to impact and therefore this stone is used in high traffic areas.


  • Pietra Gray marble stone split or guillotine

Winding stone or guillotine or Malone is called a stone with a natural appearance without polishing or abrasion. The reason for the unevenness of the surface of Winding stone is that during processing, it is struck by a hammer. Another reason for hammering is to reveal the texture of the stone to preserve its natural state.


  • Pietra Gray marble stone cubic

Pietra Gray  Cubic stone is processed and prepared by hand or machine, like ax stone. This type of stone is prepared and processed as low or full axe, Pietra Gray marble stone is low axe, it eats once, but Pietra Gray marble is highly axe. It is cut several times, for the same reason no empty space is left on the surface of the stone. Pietra Gray marble is usually cut in thickness 10 and dimensions 10×10 and thickness 5 and dimensions 10×10, for this reason, it is mostly made of Pietra stone. Cubic gray marble is widely used in the landscaping of the exterior of the building and the paving stones of the streets and sidewalks.

  • Pietra Gray marble stone tumbled

In tumble processing, after the stone is cut into suitable or standard dimensions and its thickness is uniformly calibrated, the surface of the stone is pre-sanded and the surface of the stone becomes smooth and opaque, then the stones are placed in large and special pots. are placed, at the same time as the stones inside the pot, a large amount of special metal pellets and pebbles are mixed in proportion to each other, and the device creates a rotating field between the stones and pellets. It is from tumbling, the sharp edges of the stone turn into a quarter circle and the surface of the stone turns into worn leather.

Pietra Gray marble stone features ;

Pietra Gray marble stone has become a popular stone because of its unique features. This stone has very low water absorption and can be used in any weather conditions (hot and cold). For this reason, it has strength and It has high resistance. Pietra Gray marble stone is in the best condition among stones of its family in terms of strength and resistance.

  1. High compressive strength
  2. High resistance and strength against impact
  3. High abrasion resistance
  4. Excellent sub and smoothness
  5. Durability and longevity
  6. Very little water absorption
  7. High density


Pietra Gray marble stone application ;

Pietra Gray marble stone is one of the marble stones that can be used for various fishing on its surface. Therefore, this stone can be used in different parts of the building. Pietra Gray marble stone can be used in spaces used in the interior and exterior spaces of the building.

Also, the use of Pietra Gray marble stone slabs and placing the slabs in symmetry with each other in the form of book match and form match will double the beauty of the space and environment.

  • Stepping stones and landscaping in the form of axes and bush hammers
  • Internal stepping stones are sanded and honed
  • The wall of the stairs
  • The walls of halls, hotel and restaurant lobbies, rooms, kitchens, bathrooms are sanded, hond and bush are leather.
  • Floor stone for residential, commercial and office units
  • Sculptures, columns, fireplaces, fountains, and…


Pietra Gray marble


Pietra Gray marble stone price ;

You can get Pietra Gray marble stone in different and desired sizes, such as slabs, tiles with a thickness of two centimeters for export, from izadistone stone industries. The price of Pietra Gray marble stone, like the types of stones, depends on various factors. It depends, one of these factors that causes the stone to decrease or increase is the size and thickness of the stone. The bigger the size and thickness of the stone, like slab stone, the more its price increases. Another factor What determines the price is the conditions, type and processing method of Pietra Gray marble stone.

As you know, stones are composed of different degrees, the more the stone is of good and higher quality and is placed in the super and premium sort, the higher the price will be. So to speak, the uniformity of the stone plays a significant role in determining the price.

According to the mentioned parameters and factors, the price of Pietra Gray marble stone is from 310,000 thousand tomans to 650,000 thousand tomans for each square meter in tile dimensions and 2,350,000 thousand tomans for slabs.

Please contact our experts for advice and purchase and price information.

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